When asked, I define corporate culture as the blend of human psychology, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours within the workplace.
Every company is different and the culture cocktail can result in an inspiring utopia, a depressing nightmare, and everything in between.
A company’s culture can build crazy momentum, or miserable stagnation.
A strong culture flourishes with its clear set of values that actively guide the way a company operates. Employees are passionately engaged in the business as they self-govern from a sense of confidence and empowerment rather than left to navigate their days through miserably extensive procedures, policies, and mind-numbing bureaucracy.
Your brand is the single most important asset to differentiate your company consistently over time, and corporate culture is one of the most important elements in building your brand. As such, culture needs to be nurtured, evolved, and invigorated by the people entrusted to keep it true and alive.
With HR experts forecasting a people crunch similar to what Alberta dealt with in 2007-2009, one can only assume that culture will play an even more important role in companies successes.
Organizations are literally going to thrive or dive by the culture they’re creating today.
What does the future of your company look like?